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Flower of the Day: Sunflower clusters, October 25, 2018

I never knew sunflowers grew in a bunch like this around a stem. Before realizing this, my eyes mainly gravitated towards the largest, bright bloom.

My perspective of these giant blooms was limited. The only sunflowers I’ve regularly encountered were the single long stems sold at grocery stores or flower shops. Also, my kids and I once planted a sunflower seed and only one flower bloomed.

Then one day, the top flower was snapped off leaving only a green stem sticking out of the pot. The culprit I surmise was a mischevious squirrel.

Untamed sunflowers in nature are wildly free and beautiful.

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

2 replies

  1. They are a favorite. I planted a few this year and I only got one bloom per stalk as well. Maybe its he type of sunflower as there are over a dozen types. Regardless they are wonderful.

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