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Dino drama

Our house is inundated with dinosaur toys. Kids have been collecting them for years; they want each of every kind (and the variety is endless). When I store the dino toys away in the closet, they are adamant these ferocious looking animals stay in open view.

Baby-rex out for dessert with his pet dog. The geese background is from a wooden tray my neighbor made for me. She decoupaged and painted the sides and back an ocean blue color.
Baby rex reassuring pony that hedgehogs are not scary but friendly.
Ball toss at the beach!
Back and forth…

I like the dino figures made specifically for the toddler age group, which Ellis got as introduction to dinosaurs. She was frightened to play with her brother’s dino collection yet she wanted to have her own that was not to sharp and plastic-y. These toddler dinos have round features, friendly smiles, and soft bodies. Fast forward three years, and I’m the only one who still likes the toddler ones. I’m told: “it’s so baby looking.”

Ok, that was a long introduction to this post. Will not digress anymore. Kids decided to bring out boxes of dinosaurs into the living room and have created a beach setting for them. Walking from couch to kitchen requires special footwork and keen vision; one misstep creates a domino effect of the town collapsing and tearful children. Lately, setting up toys for pictures has been lots of fun. People on the internet have done some marvelous and creative things with toys looking like real people or characters doing everyday things.

I wanted to try. Here are some pics:

Categories: Photography Raising kids

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

19 replies

    1. I love it too! I just ask they include a human walkway in their play.
      When they were younger, the toys and mess were uncontrollable. Put it in…turn around…everything tossed. Eeeek.
      I hope you enjoy play time with your kids!


    1. Lego wreaks havoc on floors and stepping on them can make you yelp in pain. Elliot had no idea they hurt until he recently stepped on one. When he was smaller he could just avoid them or maybe their chubby feet shielded them from the pain. I just gave him that look of “yep, I do that everyday buddy.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha ha – Legos were popular here in the U.S. after my time as a kid – when I was younger I was playing Pick-Up-Stix (you had a bundle of pointed sticks that looked like knitting angels and you just let them go from your fist – however they fell, you had to try and pick them up without touching another stick.


      2. Your game sounds fun but a little dangerous with the pointy ends. I guess every toy has its own dangers, but if it’s fun, you just play with it!
        I was never into Legos as a kid…I don’t think it was very popular or I knew much about them. I was mostly a doll person, especially Cabbage Patch Kids. Obsession!!
        It’s difficult to organize all these loose pieces, and even if it is, you find them in random places.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think Legos came out too late for me. to play with them We played marbles and dominoes as little kids and the Pick-up-Stix would be for older kids so there was no danger of hurting ourselves. I was looking for a video of them and it looks like they now make them without the pointy ends.


      4. I just looked up Pick-up-Stix on Amazon and they look interesting to play. Kids may find it fun and they could also use it to build or whatever they fancy. I was cleaning up this morning and found their dragon and crocodile Halloween costume. Suddenly, they were charging after me with their felt, glittery claws.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Ha ha – all that energy … wish we had some of it. Yes, now that they make Pick-up-Stix with rounded corners and you know your kids wouldn’t poke themselves in the eye with them, go for it!


      6. They never get tired and if they are tired, can you imagine how pooped I am? I collapse on the sofa. If only I had a quarter of their energy, I’d be in better shape. And we need more energy as we get older cause there’s more to do. hmmmmm. oh well. Use what you have and make do.
        I can spot toy danger miles away. It’s an acquired skill and I can foresee so many of the ways it could go wrong. But that doesn’t mean we don’t get hurt. It happens! As long as there’s no blood or trip to the ER, I’m ok.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yes, I’d like half the energy I had in my 30s, even my 40s … that ship has sailed I believe. I’ve never had siblings, nor babysat, so I’d have to be really careful with toy dangers lurking about.


      8. Extra energy would definitely boost my days. It’s not going to happen as I’m getting older and life busier, so I might as well just live with the energy I still have. Hope you are having a good day and your energy tank is cruising! xoxox

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      9. I feel sometimes like by the end of the day there is no more “gas left in the tank” and working outside (or even in the house) for an entire day really frustrates me as I have sat at the computer and nodded off. I’ve not been to WordPress for the Sunday stuff in Reader, let alone today. I was worn out last night, but it was hot working outside. I never liked working outside when I was younger – I don’t like walking in the heat of the day; I’m usually home by then.


      10. I run on fumes and still screech ahead! It’s not pretty though.
        I hear ya’, working all day in or out of the house can have its drawbacks. We need balance, that elusive thing!!
        A happy medium would work, but with the COVID, the weather you’ve been having, and working from home must make that balance hard. Hope today is a better day! I don’t nod off in front of the computer…I just go to the couch and have a full nap. lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      11. I never got into napping when I was younger as I wore hard contact lenses for years, so I didn’t usually take them out until it was time for bed. But I am prone to having a nap as we get closer to the 4th of July – the fireworks have been going off every night since mid-May, but over the long holiday, it is long into the night. Getting up early to walk, staying up late here on WP and/or listening to fireworks makes it easy to nod off, so then I indulge in a daily nap over the long holiday. I may go for a nap and not want to get up again!


      12. You’re a brave soul for wearing contact lenses as a youngster. I wore glasses ever since middle school and couldn’t fathom putting something in my eyes. I wanted to be glasses free for our engagement party pictures, so I had some serious practicing with contacts. one time I accidentally put 2 contact lenses in one eye.
        You’ll get recharged with a good nap. One thing to avoid is sleeping too long because it’ll do the reverse making you more tired. Trust me: lots of personal experience here. 30 min to 1 hour. Happy napping. There’s still many days away till 4th of July. Fireworks starts early where you live! Really early.

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      13. I got them in 1974 when I was 18 years old and had been wearing glasses since my 7th birthday. I hated wearing glasses and my eyes are bad now. Can’t see a thing without glasses on. I was told by the contact lens practitioner that I would not be able to tolerate the lenses because I was fair-haired … I’ve told people that story since and they laughed … that’s what he said. He recommended hard lenses as soft lenses were not good if you had an astigmatism which I had. I only stopped wearing them when I worked from home. I used to be so vain, I would not go out of the house in glasses and if I made a short errand, I would put wraparound dark glasses over top, so you couldn’t see the glasses. Oh to be so young and vain. That must have been difficult to take out the two lenses. I have to try napping more than just at 4th of July. They start way too early – it makes no sense to shoot fireworks off at Memorial Day, a holiday to honor war dead.
