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Fotd: August 25, ’22. Basil

Ellis and I planted some seeds from basil and wildflower packets. I didn’t have big expectations since I’m a horrible gardener, however, I added perlite to the soil this time. It seems to have made a huge difference in the growth process in these 2 small containers. As you can see, seeds produced a cute and healthy bunch of sprouts within a week.

I wonder if we’ll get to eat our homegrown basil this autumn. That would be a treat for us!

Thanks Cee for hosting! Readers, thank you for stopping by and have a great Thursday.

Categories: Container Gardening flowers Photography

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

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