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Post eye procedure

Hi all, thank you for your prayers and encouragement for today’s Laser retinoplexy. The procedure went well, and it should’ve welded up the hole. The follow-up appointment is in 2 weeks.

Post procedure, I’m having a lingering migraine with my eye socket feeling raw, so it’s been a lot of napping and hanging out today. It feels like the right side of my eye is its own entity with half of my head pulsing with pain. But I’m relieved it’s summer vacation and we can take a break from homeschooling and everyday pressures.

If by any chance you see floaters, black dots, and/ or shadows, please go see the optometrist or ophthalmologist right away. If the doctors find the tear quickly, they could do a laser treatment, quick and painless, like mine before it progresses into a bigger issue like a detached retina. The latter requires surgery and a long recovery.

Please take care, everyone. 🙂 Esther

Categories: doctor visits doctor's office migraine Personal growth

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

30 replies

  1. Nice to hear it’s success,My dear friend, Esther. Your eye for today’s Laser retinoplexy. The procedure went well. I will be praying for speedy recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for filling us in on how the surgery went. Hopefully you’ll quickly overcome the migraine pain and then have a speedy recovery. I know my eye doctor has always asked about floaters and shadows at my annual eye exam. I also get the Optomap done on my eyes in lieu of the dilation drops as I had issues with the drops one time and had to call a neighbor to come get my mom and me (we both had eye doc appointments that morning) after my eyes did not clear to drive after eight hours! The Optomap is a computerized image of your eyes. You might have had this done the other day? Do you use an Amsler grid daily? My mom had that – just a piece of paper that looks like graph paper with a dot in the middle … stare at it daily and if lines are wiggly, you should let your eye doctor know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the Optomap was used. It’s a machine where you press your eye against an opening, you focus on a light, and it takes a bright picture of your eyes? Oh boy, that must’ve been anxiety provoking to have side effects to the dilation drops. That’s helpful to know for next time!!
      Thank you for your well wishes! I’m doing better and the stress of the whole thing is improving.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wondered if they had you do the Optomap – yes, that is it – you see the green light, then the bright red. What’s nice is my eye doc has been doing this now since I started with him around 2002 when my former eye doc retired. So he can put all the images up on the screen to check for floaters, abnormalities, even cataracts. I would not get the dilation drops again – it never happened before that day and I always wondered if the assistant grabbed the wrong bottle to administer the drops – they did the drops about 15 minutes before the doctor came into the room.


      1. You’re welcome – I’m glad you’re doing well now. Yes, print it off from the PDF … my mom got one from her eye doctor and we laminated it and she did it every morning.


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