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In the er again for cyclic vomiting

Oyyyyyy! Out of nowhere, the vomiting started again this afternoon. It didn’t look like it’d improve, so we came earlier than most times. We’ve been at the er since 6:30 p.m. Not sure if we’re getting admitted as of yet: must see what the doctor says as the night progresses. […]

Love language in coffee

When Ellis and I got into the car last week to come home from the hospital, I texted Chris our ETA time. Then, I remembered that I was running low on coffee and asked him to make some. It’s kind of funny how he already knew. We’ve been married for […]

7 years in a nutshell

Seven years ago tonight, I arrived at the hospital to get induced for labor at 36 weeks. It was a fearful night full of unknowns and insecurity. The birth plan was for the baby to be born the next afternoon, so she could be taken to the NICU for care […]