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Silent Sunday: December 13, 2020

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

20 replies

    1. Thank you! It was fun for the kids. They waited and waited but no visitors. We went out the next day and saw a squirrel munching on that spot, so it was an unintended guest. But it made us happy another animal enjoyed the treat. It was a good learning experience.
      Hope you are having a good Sunday and are doing well! Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Um wait a second….who are those two with you? Where are your children??? Those legs on your daughter came out of no where. Did she grow a foot over night on you? And you son too has had a growth spurt. They grow so quickly don’t they? T has a half inch to go and than we are going to be the same height. He loves to check every day. Chortling as he gets closer and closer to the mark of being taller than mom is. 🙂 Hope all is well my friend. And your holidays are filled with love and cheer. 🙂


    1. Yep, these are my kids getting taller and bigger! It surprises me too since I still see the baby faces on them. I used to shrug off what parents say about their kids growing up too fast and where did the time go. I’m saying those same things and getting my heart ready for those teen years up ahead. lol
      One day soon, T will probably grow taller than mom. He is waiting for that day! That’s something to get used to and a realization that he’s not a baby anymore. But they’ll always be our babies, even as they hit middle age. My mom still calls me to ask what I ate for dinner.
      Hope you and T are well too, staying healthy, and having a good December! It’s a weird Christmas to be stuck at home but still feel blessed that we are staying healthy. Let’s end this year well and bravely!!


    1. They are growing fast and getting more independent. I’m also told I do embarrassing things in public, so yep, they are not babies anymore. lol. Doesn’t offend me though; I remember those days for myself. I tell them to lighten up. So is life!
      I hope you are staying well and healthy. Heard the Covid situation is bad in SoCal as much as in NorCal. Please take care!


      1. My family who live in SoCal tell me the same! I wonder how long we’ll have this dangerous virus around and how everyone will get vaccinated. In the news there was a story about the governor ordering 5000 extra body bags for CA. That was frightening to read; so many losses. What in the world?!
        Stay well and take care! hugs…


      2. Yes, some hospitals ran out of ICU beds. The best thing is to avoid getting it. I know it’s impossible for some like they have to send the kids to childcare because they need to go to work. I hope this will all ends by summer next year.


      3. It’s frightening. Lots of people got vaccinated, so maybe this is the first step towards becoming covid free in 2021. One can hope and pray.
        I know what you mean about sending kids to childcare…how can you do it all when you have work? It’s a precarious situation and I wish there was more productive help for working parents.
        I hope you had a good weekend and looking forward to the upcoming Christmas week!


      4. Exactly, Esther! I’m so thankful that my son-in-law could work at home since Covid started. My daughter sends my 3 years old granddaughter to daycare two days a week. They do it in a small group of 6 the most and they’re very careful.

        I’ll be taking a break after today. Merry Christmas to you 🎄☃️.


      5. Merry Christmas Miriam!! I hope you and your family are having a joyful and healthy Christmas. What a strange Christmas it is to be stuck at home and to hear news about the alarming numbers of Covid in CA.
        I have neighbors who send their small kids to day care too because of work. It’s a hard decision to make, but these daycares are keeping it small and very safe. I feel bad they sound apologetic about sending their small ones to daycare. We are all struggling to find a balance. ugh…2020…a fierce unexpected life storms.
        I hope your break from blogging is restful and refreshing! See you in the new year…2021.


      6. I know that the daycare can’t completely closed. I have a small after school tutoring business. Even though there was no school all year, I still have to pay city license and workers compensation. Daycare have to pay rent on to of it to keep their site. Also if they are not open to keep some kids, parents may send them elsewhere and daycares so lose those kids for the long run. They must take some kids to keep the business going.

        My break is nice. Happy New year to you


      7. I know what you mean. Overhead costs don’t care if the business is making money or not. A new part of the existing shopping mall opened right before March, and since we’ve been in lockdown. I don’t know how those owners are holding it all down. The stress of keeping afloat must be awful.
        Wow, an after-school tutoring business! You’re definitely in the perfect business with your background and experience in education.
        Happy new year to you!! At least for a week, I’m letting my hair down. No homeschooling. I’m done this month. It’ll start up soon, like next week.


      8. Yes, Esther, I’m enjoying my break and think about the blogging next year. I need to put more time in writing and publishing.

        Enjoy your break for homeschooling. Happy New year!


      1. And the weather was nice enough for shorts – we’re not going to see shorts for a while here. We had about 1 1/2 inches of snow and it is very cold here. I’m not complaining – we could have gotten what the East Coast got yesterday! I follow Detroit Audubon on Facebook and they post photos of their excursions. They are many young birders that are on those excursions. That’s good they have binoculars … good to learn new bird names (maybe after COVID though … you don’t want anything near your face … I am being so careful about everything.


      2. Snow is beautiful to look at but it’s another story to live with it for a few months. It’s time for warm clothes and fleece pants. Maybe that’s why we see people from East Coast wearing shorts in CA when we’re all bundled up. We wonder how they could stand to wear shorts. Different reality!
        My friend from Mass. sent me photos of the snow. It was a lot!
        Please stay careful and healthy! Covid numbers are bad here and read in the news that numbers may increase after Christmas. Yikes!
        Dang Linda, you are giving me some good ideas about bird lessons! Get the binoculars and learn the names of birds. I’m not too keen about birds so I don’t think too much about it. But I know the kids will be excited about this challenge.

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