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Wordless Wednesday: 5-22-’24. Interesting configuration for eating alfalfa hay

Categories: Animals nature Nature observations and thoughts Nature photography Photography

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

9 replies

    1. They do look like sherpa for rug samples! It’s wild how they get into that formation to eat. And among all those legs, you could find one sitting down and just munching on the grass. They are a funny and entertaining bunch.

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      1. That’s funny – I see the geese sitting and eating grass sometimes – one will do that while 25 are standing and bending their heads grazing. There’s always one in a crowd. ๐Ÿ™‚

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