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Hi blogging friends, I’ll be blogging again soon! Missed you all. Just got back from vacation

Hi everyone,

Our family just got back from vacation last night, and we are officially exhausted from 10 days of activities. This was the first time we tagged along on a business trip to L.A with Chris since his conference was in Anaheim, CA., which was a couple of miles away from our hotel. So while he worked during the day, kids and I explored some L.A. sights or met family members we haven’t seen in years (like a decade).

Now, we are back and recovering from bodily pain from constant activity and driving around the city. Why is there so much traffic in SoCal?!

I missed you all! Will be back to reading your blogs again and sharing some vacation photos soon. Happy June!!

Categories: #travel blogging family Homeschool Adventures Mom lIfe motherhood Raising kids travels

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

18 replies

  1. Welcome back! It sounds like you had an action-packed trip! Exploring L.A. and reconnecting with family must have been wonderful. I can totally relate to the post-vacation exhaustion.

    Take your time to rest and recover. Can’t wait to hear more about your adventures and see the photos! Happy June to you too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Happy June to you too. I love summer months and it just got started. I hope you enjoy your June too.
      Yes, L.A. trip was full of activities and meeting with family, which we needed to do since we haven’t seen them for so long. I’ll be posting more soon. Thank you for visiting!!


  2. You have happy June. Iam so happy you cameback. And you sharing your 10 days Business trip vacation the first time we tagged along on a business trip to L.A with Chris since his conference was in Anaheim, CA. You have had Bodily pain from constant activity and driving around the city. You have get rest & relaxed. I miss you my dear friend Esther 🙋 I waiting your vacation photos. Beautiful you with both kid.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Raj!! Thank you, friend. Good to be back. It’s been a slow recovery as we had lots to do right after coming home. We’re wrapping up our lamb project and getting settled into summer vacation mode but still trying to do some schoolwork.
      I hope you are well and I’m always happy to read your comments. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, Eshter! You are most welcome, iam so glad you always happy to read my comments. 🙋. Good you do schoolwork. All is well there.

        God blessing all of you.


  3. Oh how fun! My older sister is a huge Disney/Pixar fan lol.
    Yikes, I’ve been to SoCal in the past and I still don’t know why there’s such terrible traffic. I hope you guys get a full recovery from your trip. 🙂


    1. SoCal is known for bad traffic and it’s true! Set aside at least an hour to get somewhere from one city to the next; not to mention their drivers do aggressive driving. :0
      Oh, your older sister would’ve enjoyed the whole fest. There is even a Pixar hotel right outside the Disneyland Park.
      Yep, I’ll be back to blogging soon. Thanks for your well wishes!! Hope you are well too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, what’s with crazy drivers?! I remember overhearing some people once (at a restaurant) say that they had to get a two hour head start to get from one part of L.A to another *gasp!*

        Ah, that sounds like fun!
        And thank you for your well wishes too 🙂


    1. Hi Linda, it was a wonderful time and a time of lots of anxiety as well. New experiences and tagging along with Chris on his business trip. I didn’t want to disrupt his work with us there, and in the back of my mind I worried that Ellis might get sick and throw a wrench in all the plans. Thankfully, she ate and slept well and had no throwing up incidents. Seeing my mom, MIL, and my uncle were filled with fearful anticipation too. They all had 3 surgeries within the past 6 months and all cancer surgeries. Thankfully again, they were well and treatments going well.
      But you know me…we took lots of photos!! I’ll be posting them soon. This week is getting back into the groove of life back home and wrapping up 4-H projects and starting math tutoring for the kids.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You had a busy time off from your regular routine! I’m glad Ellis was fine and the change of pace did nothing to upset her system and I can imagine anticipating the visits with loved ones all dealing with a cancer diagnosis and subsequent surgeries. You’re back and now into the regular swing of things. Poor kids with the math tutoring – hope it does not last for the entire Summer months.


    1. I got to get to it soon! It’s been a wild week of 4-H wrap up activities and today we’re going to UCSF for Ellis dental consultation for 4 baby teeth extraction. She may need anesthesia, but I figured it’s better to just go there instead of local oral surgeons who need hospital privileges to UCSF or Stanford. It’s been on my agenda for months and we finally got an appointment. Hoping that we get it done this summer!! And guess what?? I started PT for pelvic floor therapy this week. Stress incontinence. good times. lol
