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Dart’s funky fingers

Dart did another shed last night, probably his 11th one by now, but this time he missed peeling the skin off some of his fingers and toes. If the skin is not fully removed, it could constrict the blood flow to those parts of his body and eventually fall off. […]

Dart, the climbing gecko

This climbing move by Dart has never been seen except for this evening! We had no idea he had this kind of agility to climb these faux hanging leaves, but here he is proving us wrong. Both pictures taken by Elliot. He’s on a mission to climb out of his […]

Dart mistakes metal tongs for food

Dart associates these metal tongs for his treats, and he shows instant interest by looking up and getting into his hunting pose. However, he has terrible aim and misses whichever bug is held between the tongs. Dart accidentally bites the tongs multiple times, or his mouth accidentally gets opened when […]