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A wagon for summer outings and wagon memories

We got a new wagon for summer picnics or other outings where we may need to carry things. Previously, the stroller did all the carrying for us, like kids, bags, water bottles, groceries, among other things. But that season of life is over for us and we’re totally mature now. πŸ˜‰

I couldn’t resist giving kids a ride in the wagon. And Elliot wanted to test out the wagon with his sister in it.

This reminded us of the many wagon rides Ellis got during her hospital stays, which we’re thankful to say is a thing of the past. Wagon rides in the hospital makes a challenging experience more bearable and you look forward to those moments of the change in scenery. They mean liberation from the hospital room and time to get some fresh air and see other people in the hospital. As I was looking through these photos, I’m humbled by God’s grace and how He sustained us through those tumultuous times. How did we manage to smile and still have fun on those hospital walks? It’s weird but true; our favorite memories that make us laugh and cry are from hospital stays and adventures. God is unbelievably good.

September 2021
June 2022
June 2022

Categories: Faith journey family God HLHS hospital Hospital visits Mom lIfe motherhood Personal growth Photography Raising kids siblings

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

26 replies

  1. Nice you sharing your wagon summer riding & hospital moment. these photos, you humbled by God’s grace and how He sustained us through those tumultuous times. How did you manage to smile and still have fun on those hospital. It’s true; your favorite memories that make us laugh and cry are from hospital stays and adventures. God is unbelievably good..Nice photo with Elliot in hospital June 2022.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The wagon has a special place in our hearts! It helped us out so much in tough times and it was a practical symbol of us getting out of the hospital room. God is so good.


      1. Yes, God is good. ,My friend Eshter.

        I love that the wagon is such a powerful symbol for your family. That’s really cool.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wagon comes in handy for outings. Elliot is so cute in the wagon. 😍 I can imagine the wagon was helpful during Ellis staying in the hospital. Thank God it’s a thing in the past. Enjoy your summer, Esther!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had a Radio Flyer wagon when I was a kid, and loved it. I never imagined mine being put to such use, but yours clearly helped to make a difficult time a bit more bearable!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Radio Flyer wagons are the best!! They have those at the Stanford Children’s Hospital and we loved every moment of it. They are in high demand there, so if you are able to get one, you keep it in your room until discharge.
      Its bright red color is so fun and cheerful!!

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  4. That’s a nice wagon! We’ve been wanting to get a collapsible one for picnics and such.

    God is good! It’s amazing when you look back and see so that He has done for you!

    I love that the wagon is such a powerful symbol for your family. That’s really cool. πŸ₯°

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, friend, for your lovely comment! It is a powerful symbol for our family and a reminder of God pulling us through those difficult times with a simple tool as a wagon to feel more positive that she didn’t need to be bedbound.
      Check out Costco for the wagon. We first gone one through Amazon, but the side metal pieces seemed flimsy, so we got another one at Costco. It’s $10 cheaper at the store than buying it online. It’s Costco style…heavy duty but one that will last for years. It’s collapsible and has a handle and turning wheels.

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    1. True that! She has a dental procedure coming up that involves anesthesia, and I’m hoping that’ll be an outpatient procedure or just a simple overnighter. Her baby teeth won’t come out!
      Now they give her a wheelchair like chair that’s called Staxi. It’s much easier to maneuver and the colors are bright and nice. She’s much bigger now so the wagon is uncomfortable for her when we are in the hospital.
      Ellis told me that riding in the wagon we got is nostalgic for her. Even though it’s tough being sick in the hospital, we still have fond memories of being together, recovering together, and getting discharged. God is so good to meet us there!!

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      1. That’s a comfortable-looking chair and Ellis (or and any patient) would not be cramped in it. I hope the procedure is outpatient as well. That’s a bummer those baby teeth won’t fall out – so, if the baby teeth are pulled, does Ellis still get to put them under her pillow?


      2. She knows now…both kids were iffy about that and Santa Clause until November of last year, but with Ellis being in the hospital and all that…the secret came out. They’re cool with it now but were heartbroken for a bit.
        I hope the procedure is outpatient too. Appointment is coming up in 2 weeks at UCSF.

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