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Getting a leopard gecko soon

Checked out this little gecko at Petsmart yesterday. The employee said this one is the healthiest and happiest out of them all. Once we get its habitat ready at home (waiting for Amazon deliveries), hopefully, this gecko will still be available. Leopard geckos are considered the best lizard pets for beginners! We’ll see. So much thought and planning have gone into this with the kids. Getting Chris on board with our venture was slightly challenging, but he’s reluctantly accepted. Up next: set up habitat and bring home the gecko.
The ambitious plan is that kids will mostly take care of their new pet. So I hope fervently! I’m not too keen on handling it or feeding it live bugs, but may need to in the near future. 😅
Leopard gecko:
Geckos can get as big as 12 inches, but not more than that. The one Elliot is holding is a baby, about 1 month old. Its tail holds all its nutrients, but you must be careful when handling: it could fall off due to stress or getting startled. It’ll grow back a nub in its place.

Categories: Animals learning with kids Leopard gecko pet Mom lIfe Raising kids

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

30 replies

  1. ok THAT gave me a heart attack. it’s cute and all bbut i’m terrified of lizhards.
    also… i can’t seem to reply to your comment on that chia pet conversation so just copying here what i was trying to right there lol

    “nooooo!!! omg let me google snoop dog one too
    omg i’m in splits ahahaha nooo
    who comes up with all that!!!”


  2. Oh my – hope the kids don’t tire of it and you have to handle it. Well I won’t say it is cute. Hopefully they will place a hold on it at the store so the kids aren’t disappointed if it is sold. Does it have a name?


    1. Lol, I agree with you, Linda! It’s not a cute-looking pet. Kids seem really excited about it and I’m hoping they take more responsibility with it.
      Petsmart is having a reptiles sale now, and I thought they would sell quickly. But according to the employee there, it’s not selling quickly. Hopefully, it’ll still be there. I don’t think they can put a hold on certain animals.
      No name yet…when we bring it home. We’ll have a new pet in the next few days, if everything goes according to schedule. Amazon delivered dried mealworms today. Ack!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh man! I have no idea it they need to be hydrated. I will sure find out in the next week. It’ll be lots of tria and error.
        Cardinals didn’t like it? Or didn’t find it?
        Hope you have a good weekend and not so much fireworks from your neighbors. Out temp is 92 today and blazing 🔥

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Cardinals didn’t find them or like them – I am not sure. They were covered in ants. Then I read the directions that they were supposed to be hydrated, so I put them in a plastic cup, poured warm water on them, took a plastic spoon and stirred them up – ewww. Ants all over them in minutes, so I didn’t do it anymore – I suppose any type of feeder ants would crawl up it – thy did it with the hummingbird feeder too. That is hot … we have 90 on Tuesday – we have had rain yesterday most of the day, all of the day today with three storms so far and another one coming shortly. You enjoy your holiday too – I am hoping it rains so I don’t have to listen to fireworks.


      3. Oh, just the thought of stirring the mealwoms with water sounds gross, not something for the squeamish folks. I’ll be doing something like that soon. I think they need to be refrigerated. I know!! That’s too weird for me. We found the reptile food in refrigerators at petco
        Oh my… your weather is another wild one. It’s hot until Tuesday, and then it cools down.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. This morning I put the mealworms and safflower seeds out in the trash for garbage pickup later today. I know I’m not inviting ants here at the house, nor do I want to give them out at the Park and bring lots of ants glomming onto them there either. As for the safflower seeds, the birds were dropping them out of the open feeder dish. I worried about mice, so I picked them up what I could on the sidewalk and swept them out of the lava rocks … so yesterday, with all the rain and heat, the many seeds I missed as they went into the lava rocks, have now sprouted and I have mini safflower plants all over the place – they evidently don’t need dirt. Grrr.

        Then they must be live mealworms – eww. Well keep them in an extra Rubbermaid container so no escaping if the lid isn’t on properly. I know they have live meal worms and dried meal worms which you have to rehydrate. Use plastic cups and plastic spoons, so you deal with it once and not any more. I have been hearing about the heat in California and Las Vegas … our 90 degrees tomorrow is not as bad as you guys have.


  3. Cute gecko! Whatcha gonna name it? I’m excited to see the photos of your new pet in his habitat. If it’s anything like your fish tank, I’d say it’s one Lucky gecko to have your kiddos as his new owners! 🥰


    1. Thanks, friend! We’ll try our best to keep our new friend happy and healthy.
      We don’t have a name yet until we bring it home. Not sure if that one will still be available at Petsmart. Right now, we’re getting its habitat ready and researching how to take care of it. I hope we’ll learn faster than we did with the fish tank…so many fatalities at the start of our fish hobby. Thank you for your vote of confidence!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We don’t have it at home yet. That’s the one we want at the store, but not sure if it’ll still be available. We are still setting up its habitat at home…it requires a lot of prep work! Ack…and trust me, the kids don’t want to cut any corners. They want it perfect. ,
        No name yet…kids say they’ll name it when we bring it home.
        Have a great weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Indian names

        like poonam, kamla, kalpana (these are female names)
        Then few like amit, rahul, etc….

        These are those people from whom Its hard to get rid of in life.
        So basically cockroaches and lizards keep coming back no matter what.
