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Friday roses to brighten the day

Have a happy start to the weekend!

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Esther and I'm so happy you are here. I'm an avid nature photographer and a daydreaming thinker. My posts revolve around photos of nature's beauty, homeschooling adventures with my 2 kids, sporadic reflections on my child's heart condition, Bible reading reflections, gardening feats, and other mish mash things. Hopefully you'll leave encouraged, pensive, or smiling at the simple things of life. Thank you for stopping by and hope you'll find some interesting posts to read!

27 replies

    1. You’re welcome! Thank you for stopping by to check out the roses. I’m glad you like them.
      We had a great weekend and here we are starting a new week. Hope you have a good start to the new week!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Esther, the rose garden must smell wonderful! It’s very nice to have one so close to your home to visit every year. ❤️🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      2. TD, I thought the rose garden would have a rosy smell too, but it doesn’t sadly. You have to put your nose right up to the flowers to smell its fragrance. But yes, we feel happy to make a yearly trip out there.
        I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!


      1. Hi Ju-Lyn! We just got back from L.A. and had a full itinerary. It was wonderful, fun, and tiring…all simultaneously.
        We’re staying close to home this summer and just regular outings and doing life. That’s fun for us and catching up on doctor’s appointments.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the beautiful roses garden. The light pink roses look like heirloom roses. Excellent photography. Happier your weekend,my dear friend Esther 💞!


    1. I had a great weekend, thanks, friend! I hope you had a good weekend too. I can’t believe it’s already over and we’re headed into another week. School is almost out for the charter school, but we will continue to homeschool throughout the summer. Do you have different homeschooling plans for the summer?
      That lavender purple is so elegant and charming! Great choice in a favorite color.


      1. I was wondering when your charter was out for the summer. I’m working on our summer learning plan… We had a great weekend, and celebrated my youngest turning the big 10-years-old at LEGOLAND!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Happy belated birthday!! It’s the big 2 digits. Hope you guys had a wonderful time celebrating at Legoland!!
        Our charter gets out this Friday. It was a long and hectic year with lots of ups and downs, but we are almost there. Ellis and I are on a Little House on the Prairie kick, and Elliot got his own copies of the books too. lol. He’s more of a reluctant fan.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! It’s that time of year when the roses are in full bloom, especially at this rose garden. During the winter, it’s all bare there, but now, it’s roses haven.
